Revista de la Academia de Estudios de Marketing



A Study on Consumer Perception on Organic Products and its Certification Over Making Purchase Decision in Chennai

Magesh R and Rajeswari M

The international socio-economic environment has dramatically changed theliving standard of people in a developed manner in terms of occupation, income, education, spending pattern, purchasing power, health etc. This has led the people to get better things in life and fulfill their needs. In case of consuming food and food products, people are becoming aware through media, campaign, seminars and conferences, health and nutritional education, doctor’s advice and so on. Hence, in today’s world peoples food habits are rapidly changing. The food market, particularly organic food market is on the verge of a boom. In the last few years the organic food production and availability in the market has been increased and made a significant development in the economy. Several people have started to consider organic foods instead of conventional food because; it is healthier and less prone to chemicals. This kind of purchasing behavior plays an important role among the consumer perception towards buying organic food products. According to Indian Organic Food Market Forecast &Opportunities 2020, the market for organic food in India is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of over25% during 2015-20.A noteworthy trend that is being observed is the gradual emergence of organic food as an essential part of daily diet among the upper and middle upper class population in India. With growing awareness towards healthy foods, surging income levels and shifts of consumer behavior leads India’s n ascent organic food market, fast and transforming in to the world’s fastest growing organic food.

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