Revista de la Academia de Gestión Estratégica



Alternative to Distortions Created by Traditional Cost Accounting Throughput Accounting

Suaad Jassem

Managers in manufacturing organizations rely on accurate information from accounting practices to take real-time decisions in order to maximize profitability from their product-mix or across business units. All the existing cost accounting approaches rely on allocating costs of labour and overheads across business-units or product-lines or individual products. The practice of allocating indirect cost is rarely precise, and therefore opens up the possibility of distorted information being placed to managerial decision-makers leading to wrong decisions.

Throughput accounting, which is a result of Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints, offers a simple and viable alternative to the distortions created by cost accounting approaches. Throughput accounting suggests a paradigm shift in analysing contribution of product-mix and business units by changing focus of managers from emphasizing on managing cost-per-unit to managing throughputs. This study presents a conceptual discourse with hypothetical illustrations on the distortions created by cost accounting and how throughput accounting removes such distortions and presents factual information to decision-makers.