Revista de la Academia de Gestión Estratégica



Culinary Development Model: Destination Attractiveness to Increase Visits

Rita Komaladewi, Asep Mulyana, Deru R Indika, Merita Bernik

Tourism is Indonesian’s mainstay factor in improving the country’s economy, since it is quite large in bringing in foreign exchange and regional income due to its unique culture and natural beauty. Optimizing tourism sector is quite effective to attract tourists to visit Indonesia. One of potential and favored tourism sectors is culinary. If this potential is developed, it will impact on the increasing entrepreneurships around, including small and medium enterprises. This is supported by other researches that a region that is able to serve and offer culinary sector can increase tourist attraction. However, with diversity of local traditional food, the role of culinary industry in general still receives less attention, and supports such as regulations are required to regulate and support the development local food. Therefore, a model integrated with government support, culinary industry, community and media is required. This research was conducted with survey method towards consumers in Bandung, Medan and Jogjakarta with total of respondents 360, as well as conducting focus group discussionwith culinary entrepreneurs, tourism department, and MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council). From the result, an integrated model was obtained in increase the number of tourists and will increase the small and medium enterprises that support the national economy.