Revista de Asuntos Legales, Éticos y Regulatorios



Framework for Integrating CSR in the Supply Chain to Mitigate Climate Change

Rene Y. Paquibut, Michael C. Legion, Abu Reza Mohammad Islam & Iffat S. Chaudhry

This paper aimed to propose an integrative framework, contextualizing CSR within sustainable development and considering it as an approach in reducing GHG emissions within the supply chain. This paper qualitatively synthesized relevant concepts to form an integrative framework. CSR is taken as a management concept that focuses attention on the responsibility of organizations to address GHG emitting anthropogenic activities in the supply chain. The prior research has produced enough evidence to link supply chain activities to GHG emissions which aggravates climate change. Organizations participating in any supply chain must deliberately recognize their ethical, economic, legal, and philanthropic responsibilities to achieve sustainable development. The proposed framework shows CSR as an approach, through mitigation and adaptation, helps to reduce supply chain-GHG emissions. Sustainable development may be achieved when concrete actions are taken by all supply chain participants to reduce GHG emissions in all human activities in the processes within. Organizations can consider several strategies identified in this paper for their CSR initiatives. At the same time, the inherent difficulties and challenges at its operational level are also highlighted drawn from the literature.