Revista de la Academia de Gestión Estratégica



Impact of Innovative Activity on the Formation of the Agricultural Labor Market: The World Strategies

Alma Galiyeva, Nailya Abdildinova, Maxat Kulubekov, Aigul Mukhamejanova

The introduction of innovative technologies is a necessary measure for those agrarian enterprises which want to remain competitive and intensify production. However, technologies often replace human labor and lead to staff reduction, which has a negative social effect, especially in rural areas where there are rarely other alternatives for employment. Because of the unreliability of employment in agricultural enterprises, young potential workers are increasingly leaving rural areas to look for work in the urban, whereas for agricultural enterprises there is no alternative in the choice of workers. One of the peculiarities of the agricultural labor market is the fact that in this sector people with the lack of qualifications are involved in a larger measure. For this reason, it is difficult for them to find a new job after the loss of employment. For innovations to have a positive effect not only on enterprises but also on the country's economy as a whole, their implementation should be combined with the motivation of workers to obtain both vocational training and decent wages in the agricultural sector. It is necessary to make the sphere of agricultural activity attractive for potential young workers and reliable for those who are already involved in it. An assessment of the current situation will help determine the tensest situations from the introduction of innovations. The experience of some countries can be useful for determining the most successful methods for regulating the agricultural labor market and introducing these methods into domestic practice.