Revista de la Academia de Gestión Estratégica



Improving the Thermal Comfort of Room through a Combination of Outdoor and Indoor Parks: Evidence from Indonesia

Eddy Imam Santoso

This study examines the thermal comfort of space in a student dormitory at the Rungkut Menanggal Harapan Residential Surabaya - Indonesia by providing an overview through the arrangement of a hydroponic vegetable garden vertically on the building (outdoor) facing the West (sun) and in combination with garden arrangement (Sansevieria trifacciata plant) indoors. Research objectively related to air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar radiation in the conditions before being given a combination of indoor gardens and after being given an indoor garden, and subjectively involve interviews with users about the thermal comfort perceptions of the room. The results showed a decrease in air temperature of 0.4 º C and a decrease in CO2 levels of 0.12 ppm and an increase/release of O2 levels of 0.4%. This garden combination produces a neutral temperature of 26 ºC and a humidity of 40% which is still above the standard ASHRAE 55 comfort zone, but the perception of users with these thermal conditions can accept and feel higher thermal comfort