Revista de Asuntos Legales, Éticos y Regulatorios



Legal Aspects of Regulating Internal Migration in Kazakhstan and Foreign Countries

Indira Kulataevna Amerkhanova, Eldana Sovetovna Maishekina, Kairat Bodaukhan, Maigul Hafizovna Matayeva, Malik Dulatovich Karazhanov, Nurul Mohammad Zayed

The article considers the state of migration legislation as a mechanism for regulating internal migration in Kazakhstan in the modern period. From this point of view, regularities, trends, features of the legal support of the internal migratory movement of the population of Kazakhstan are studied. The ways for the migration legislation improvement are proposed. The article also discusses the migration situation in Kazakhstan, Russia, the European Union, the reasons for migration, and the problems arising in connection with this process. Methods and mechanisms of migration regulation, levels of migration regulation are considered. The conditions for successful regulation of migration are determined.