Revista de Ciencias de la Decisión y la Información de Gestión



Mapping Knowledge Management System Within Literatures of Creative Industry

Teddy Chandra

Aim: The study aims to mapping Knowledge Management System (KMS) that related in creative industry and describe KMS implementation in the creative industry.

Design/Methods: This is conceptual paper. This paper begins with the introducing background of the importance of KM in the context of the creative industry; the next section will show the KM literature, taxonomy of knowledge management process and knowledge management system (KMS). Then next how is the study of KMS in the organizational context of creative industry and ends with conclusion of description of KMS implementation in the creative industry

Findings: KMS is an organizational process and tool for acquisition, conversion, application, protection existing knowledge. So, KMS in the literature is often used by the management as a way to use, develop and managing knowledge. The concept of KMS in the creative industry has been massively explored since there is an increasing role of creative industry in economic growth of a country. The literatures also viewed that creative industry is an industry that sources from creativity, skill and talent which has the potential for wealth and the creation of employment opportunities through the raise and exploitation of intellectual property. This paper tries to identify and classify literatures that have been used as the foundation of overview regarding KMS in creative industry. Knowledge in the creative industry generally includes creative classes of bohemian (creative), creative professional functions (creative professionals), creative core functions (technical). So that is needed by the organization is synergize knowledge through the implementation of knowledge management system to achieve the success expected. For further research it can analyze the model of knowledge management system relationships with intellectual capital, organizational strategy, innovation and sustainable competitive advantage of creative industry.

Originality: Literatures in creative industry have previously identified different goals between industry and creative workers. As industry concerns with efficiency, creative workers are considered as merely concern with creativity and innovation. Literatures also asserted that most creative workers perceive knowledge as their bargaining power and therefore, they may not want to share their knowledge to others fully. They also prevent the loss of knowledge through maintaining knowledge workers.