Revista de Asuntos Legales, Éticos y Regulatorios



Moral and Ethical Issues in Advertising

Joseph Nnaemeka Chukwuma, Hilary Chimezie Ngwoke

The rightness and wrongness of human act (actus humanus) as against the act of man or of animals has always been a debatable issue among moral philosophers. This is because every human acts and choices are supposedly products of reasoned intra-personal deliberation; as man is conceived as a thinking being whose unique and primary essence is rationality. Rationality which constitutes the basis for human actions also forms the basis for accruing responsibility to his action, and by extension, necessitates the subjection of these act to the scrutiny of moral philosophy whose academic domain is concerned with the consideration of the wrongness and rightness of human acts. It is against this backdrop that advertisement as a particular case of human act cannot be completely exonerated from the censorship of moral validation. Hence, the ground for investigating into the ethical issue bordering on the phenomenon of advertisement with the aim of unraveling its areas of wrongness and rightness. In order to achieve this feet, information will be sourced and sought from the library and the internet, and the method of critical analysis and evaluation will be adopted.