Revista de la Academia de Gestión Estratégica



Performance is Affected by Leadership and Work Culture: A Case Study from Indonesia

Indra Prasetyo, Esa Wahyu Endarti, Budi Endarto, Nabilah Aliyyah, Rusdiyanto, Sri Suprapti, Chandra Kartika, Ruddy Winarko, Chamariyah, Dwi Lesno Panglipursari, Muninghar, Nur Halimah, Aminatuzzuhro, Mei Indrawati, Onong Junus, Mohammad Herli, Hafidhah, Nanik Kustiningsih, Gazali, Adriani Kusuma, Muslimatul Aina, Isnain Bustaram, Zef Risal, Zainurrafiqi, Siti Salama Amar, Khoiroh Umah, Susan Novitasari Khadijah, Mono Pratiko Gustomi, Hendra Irawan, Arif Syafi'ur Rochman, Dini Ayu Pramitasari, Nawang Kalbuana, Muchsin Zuhad Al-asqolaini

Objective: This paper aims to test the influence of leadership and work culture on the performance of state-owned public bodies.

Design/Methodology/Approach: This paper uses a quantitative approach with the process of finding the knowledge by using data in the form of numbers as a tool that can be generalized to prove hypotheses. Data variable Leadership, work culture and performance of state-owned public agency companies (SOEs). The research method used is the correctional survey method to study the dynamics of correlation between risk factors and effects by approach, observation, or data collection at once.

Findings: The results of this study Leadership have an influence on performance in publicly owned companies, Work Culture has an influence on performance in publicly owned companies, while together leadership variables and work culture variables have an influence on performance variables on publicly owned companies.

Practical Implications: The study results are recommended for employees to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of state-owned public bodies.

Originality: Previous research has examined the effect of leadership and the culture of work on the performance of Indonesia Stock Exchange companies, and the results have shown that leadership and the working culture in the performance of Indonesia Stock Exchange manufacturing firms. These research researchers replaced the research object in state-owned public agency companies.

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