Revista de Asuntos Legales, Éticos y Regulatorios



Teaching methods are a study of their importance and types in educational institutions

Suaad Hadi Hassan Al-Taai

Teaching is a science that has its origins and rules, and it can be observed, measured, evaluated and then trained on its skills. And raising the efficiency of the teacher using teaching methods and methods leads to raising the efficiency of public education, including the research aspects in it. The study of modern trends and teaching methods is one of the important studies that has received the attention of researchers and scholars due to its educational importance in the field of teaching and education. Teaching methods have varied and varied, and each method has its own rules, advantages, and steps. The research covered the most prominent teaching methods such as the lecture, the hot chair, brainstorming, exploration, and investigation. The research shed light on the most prominent reasons for choosing the appropriate method of teaching, taking into account the individual differences and the topic of the lesson and its importance.