Revista Internacional de Emprendimiento



The impact of eWOM information credibility, eWOM information quality, eWOM attitude toward information on eWOM information usefulness: a case of fashion product in market place

Citra Savitri, Ratih Hurriyati, Lili Adi Wibowo, Heny Hendrayati

The ability of eWOM to influence consumers in making purchases is evidenced by the credibility of in-formation, the level of quality of information, and attitudes towards information provided by the company to consumers. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of eWOM information credibility, eWOM information quality, eWOM attitude toward information on eWOM information usefulness in the marketplace in Indonesia with a total sample of 460 female respondents who experienced behavioral changes in purchasing fashion products during the covid-19 pandemic. The sampling method of this research use probability sampling and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) AMOS for the statistical tools. The results of the study indicate that all variables have a significant and positive influence on eWOM information usefulness, meaning that the credibility of information, quality of information, and attitudes towards information play an important role in the usefulness of information needed by consumers to make purchases. The findings of this study imply that companies should focus on the importance of the usefulness of information for consumers.