Revista de Asuntos Legales, Éticos y Regulatorios



The Jordanian Legal Approach on Educational Data Mining: Privacy of Individuals V. Data Mining

Enas Qutieshat

Educational institutions collect various data from several sources, but this sort of data is rendered worthless if it is unprocessed effectively by the institution. Typically processing this data is beneficial to decision-makers in educational institutions, but the enormous amount of data present and stored in educational institutions is difficult to be processed traditionally, which has promoted the effective employment of machine intelligence when applying data mining algorithms. Processing raw data stored in an educational institution's databases raises legal concerns, most noticeably the legality of such a procedure and whether data processing would violate individuals' privacy since the Jordanian legislature has not directly regulated the issue of educational data mining and processing and its legal consequences. Accordingly, this research aimed to examine the Jordanian legal approach towards the use educational data mining algorithms and the legality of processing raw data in light of the current legislations in force and present proposals and recommendations in this regard.