Revista de la Academia Internacional de Estudios de Casos



Womens Emancipation from an Economic Perspective

Dipti Bansal

The study's goal is to examine the role of women in the country's economic growth and welfare. We employed the method of analysis within the context of the investigations. Gender equality has been indexed and rated in the United Nations Human Development Report. Since 2010, the Gender Inequality Index has tracked women's unfavorable situations in three areas: reproductive health, empowerment, and labour market participation. Gender Inequality in the United Nations Human Development Report 2015. Gender balance in labour economics is maintained in countries with a high GDP rate. The Gender Inequality Index can be used to assess it. The achievement of gender balance is critical to the country's economic development. The Gender Gap Index, created by the World Economic Forum, measures the disparity between men and women by participation in the economy, education, health/life safety and political participation. Women have a significant impact on the country's GDP and welfare for future generations in the twenty-first century, despite the fact that they have grown much more economically independent. They are taking essential measures for the country's development. Women invest their earnings in areas such as children's education and health care, and this long-term investment has resulted in a population that is educated and healthy, both of which are critical for the country's development. Although Georgia has an average rate in the above-mentioned indices, this does not imply that we have a good result, because the indexes contain nations where gender balance is not preserved. Women's empowerment entails making better use of human capital, which lowers gender disparities while also increasing productivity and economic growth.